Children grow up thinking magazines are TOUCH SCREENS.

The reason I haven't written a post in a week is because I recently got myself a new job. I am now the Social Media Community Manager for Lucozade Sport, Revive and Energy. ... ... ..

...just pausing for a small applause there.

Anyway, I am always either on a computer or my smartphone but my boyfriend is the complete opposite. He has no idea about Facebook or Twitter, and his phone is a beaten up old Nokia. Although technology is my life and career, I think it's brilliant and refreshing that he doesn't care about being involved or in touch with any of it. He will never be someone like this:

Even though I am like that myself, I appreciate the fact that I had a whole childhood without it. I got my first brick phone when I was 13, and only started using social media at the age of 18 when I created my first MySpace account. I feel sad to think that 5 year olds have Facebook and that children are brought up heavily relying on technology.

Anyway, the main reason for this post is based on this video I saw a while ago. A baby who is so used to a touch screen, now expects the magazine to respond to her sweeping hand. 



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