Oxo 4eva

Whenever I see a good or bad ad, I immediately put it into my iPhone notes so I remember to write a blog post about it. Unfortuntely there are times I forget and the moment passes - doesn't make me look very ad savvy writing about something that was aired 6 months ago! However, an ad that I loved and forgot to write about was last month's Oxo's Magic Cube. Well, better late than never!

Oxo stock cube ads are something I think of as being really British. The cubes themself have been around since the mid 19th Century, and the ads have always stuck in my head. I'm sure you all recognise this one:

Maybe it's the family banter around the table, maybe it's the nostalgia of being a kid, or maybe it's the memory of the smell of mum's roast filling the house - whatever it is, Oxo ads will stay with me forever. But as you can see, I speak about Oxo being a part of my past, not the present, and I'd guess I'm not the only person who sees the Oxo stock cube as something fairly old fashioned.

This is why I was delighted to see this new ad with a new angle

JWT London worked with the animator PES and directors Conkerco to create a more modern take on the famous brand. The ad highlights how a sprinkle of an Oxo cube can transform any combination of ingredients into a delicious meal. Focusing on the veggies rather than the meat, reminds us that Oxo can be used to liven up a wider variety of foods other than beef. What also intrigues me is that there are no people in the ad, no family or girlfriend to cook for. Oxo are wholly focusing on the food; your cooking and your taste.

With this fun and eye catching ad, Oxo has been brought to our attention again whilst still keeping the core message of the brand that it instilled decades ago:


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