Granny Ludlow
I saw Saatchi&Saatchi have brought out a summer scholarship. In the brief it said to make someone unknown the next internet celebrity.
Typical me, I only saw this yesterday (the 3rd) and the deadline is the 10th. Well I'll give it a shot. I was going to make something up, but then I thought everyone loves a real character. Someone who people can relate to, can warm to, but also entertains them. I decided my Granny Ludlow would be perfect for this. Everyone loves a granny and mine happens to be pretty cool. She is very entertaining, always saying and doing random things, giving advice that is 50 years out of date, and she never shies away from the camera.
I built a facebook page, which is how Saatchi will measure your success by the number of 'likes', and whoever gets the most likes gets the position I think... unless there are more parts to the brief. I also bought some facebook ads for the page so hopefully she will spread pretty quickly (I have 6 days!)
Here is the link:
And here is my granny:
Typical me, I only saw this yesterday (the 3rd) and the deadline is the 10th. Well I'll give it a shot. I was going to make something up, but then I thought everyone loves a real character. Someone who people can relate to, can warm to, but also entertains them. I decided my Granny Ludlow would be perfect for this. Everyone loves a granny and mine happens to be pretty cool. She is very entertaining, always saying and doing random things, giving advice that is 50 years out of date, and she never shies away from the camera.
I built a facebook page, which is how Saatchi will measure your success by the number of 'likes', and whoever gets the most likes gets the position I think... unless there are more parts to the brief. I also bought some facebook ads for the page so hopefully she will spread pretty quickly (I have 6 days!)
Here is the link:
And here is my granny:
Update 13/2: Well, Granny has 79 likes and 42 people talking about her, as well as a YouTube account ( and a Twitter ( I sent her off knowing that there are pages out there with hundreds of 'likes' such as a carrot that is photographed in various places.... If anything, it should be voted on quality of content and the time we had to do it.
Update 2/3: Well, I got through! I got through to brief 2 which was a 30 minute long quiz of 20 questions and only one, ONE, chance to do it. I didn't time myself so I spent the first 7 minutes on the first 2 questions. I whizzed through the rest. Not finishing it. But, amazingly, I got through. So, from originally 3,000 people, I was whittled down to 200, and now I am in the remaining 139 people. AH. The next brief is called 'Good Ad/Bad Ad'. I'm not sure if I can reveal what they want me to do or what I am doing just yet, but the deadline is the 14th of March, so I'm going to get to it. Wish me luck!!
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