
Showing posts from March, 2015

SeaWorld Fail

In 1991, Sealand whale trainer Keltie Byrne, fell into a pool with 3 of her killer whales and they attacked her, dragging her down under the water and killing her. After that, one of the more aggressive whales in the attack, Tilikum, who had been kept in abusive captivity since 1983, was shipped off to Seaworld. In 1999, a Seaworld trespasser was found dead, draped over Tilikum's back, covered in wounds and abrasions. In 2010, during a live show with his long-term trainer, Dawn Brancheau, Tilikum leapt out of the pool and grabbed her hair with his teeth, pulling her underwater and holding her under until she died. This was the most aggressive attack given that he had completely scalped her and ate her arm. Dawn with Tilikum Unfortunately for SeaWorld, the story and background into Tilikum and how killer whales were treated in captivity by them, was made into a documentary and in 2013, 'Blackfish' was released at the Sundance Festival, quickly picked up by Magno...

Nothing to fear

Funny how back when the internet took off, digital futurists all panicked and said that technology would take over and require less use for humans. When actually, thanks to the above info, it's been proven that that's far from the case. Many people worry now that the younger generation, or 'digital natives' as they are better known, will grow up anti-social and too reliant on technology having been brought up to swipe before they can write, Technology gives us the chance to be even more connected, social and informed than ever before. Many people assume and fear it will stunt our growth in the future and make us detached from the "real world", but in reality we should have more faith in the human race. We've clearly managed to advance dramatically in technology, yet as we can see, the most successful tools are still driven by basic human ethics: showing a passion for community, breeding creativity and supporting others.

Lidl Surprises

Never before have people cared so much about what they eat, where it's come from, and who they are helping by eating it. Top chefs campaign for us to not waste food, to buy locally, support your farmers, go free range... which all sounds like a bit too much effort and probably quite pricey. Shoppers are constantly looking to chow down on the cheap, and it's obvious that it's affecting the grocery market because out of the top UK supermarkets: Tesco, Asda, Morrisons and Sainsbury's, Morrisons was the only one to achieve sales growth in January. In fact, discounter retailers, such as Aldi and Lidl, are fast becoming the supermarkets of choice and, instead of being seen as 'classless', it's now something to be proud of thanks to their low cost and high quality produce. Just today I saw Lidl's new 'Little Pub' advert by TBWA, as part of their on going Lidl Surprises campaign. Take a look... (Click to watch) Personally I think this ...