The power of social media - The Coyne's got Craig David to attend their wedding

For my 11th birthday in 1996, I planned to have a Spice Girl's themed party. I was totally and utterly obsessed with them and thought it would be amazing to have them there. I wrote them a very polite letter, asking them to attend, and posted it off to the fan mail address that was at the bottom of their monthly newsletters. I may have been naive, but I whole heartedly believed that they would have read my letter and exploded through my door, doing back flips and flicking peace signs.

Now, fast forward 16 years (cripes), and a whole lot has changed thanks to the internet. Kids have the opportunity to be in direct contact with their favourite celebrities, follow their every movement and perhaps even have them write back. This makes me feel sorry for my poor, expectant 10-year-old self.

Case in point; my friend's brother and fiance really love Craig David and wanted him to come to their wedding. In pure 21st century social media fashion, they put a video on YouTube of themselves rapping to the tune of his song, '7 Days', about how they want him at their wedding. Then they started tweeting him on Twitter... #getcraigdavidtoourwedding and got friends to retweet it. The video went viral and Craig David obviously noticed these pleas filling up his Twitter account. He replied saying that he would attend and everyone got really excited. But who actually thought he would? A celeb flying from L.A for free just because he was asked? Not bloody likely.

But, oh wait... shit yeah there he is -

The story of Theo and Lisa's success has since been published in The Daily Mail, The Metro and The Sun, and I assume they will all be best mates for life. (Really resentful towards my parents that I was born a decade too late and never had this chance with the Spice Girls)

In my job I work mainly in the social media sector. Every minute is on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn... - my focus is audience outreach, getting peoples attention, and also proving to my parents that what I do IS a proper job and to my friends that Twitter IS useful and effective and is changing the way the world communicates. This is big fat proof of the power of social media, and I still think it is under-estimated and unappreciated by companies.

Get on the Twitter wagon, for God's sake.


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