Goodbye sugar!
You may have heard of the Australian bestseller, ' I Quit Sugar ', by Sarah Wilson. After reading her interview and recipes in YOU Magazine, I was intrigued. Dietary essentials are carbs, protein and veg... sugar is actually the one thing we don't need. 'That's easy!' I thought, 'all I really need to cut out is cake, chocolate, sweets etc. I still get to eat meat, carbs, dairy... '. The first meal time was a party. But that kind of diet has no longevity. I need food for lunch at work, food for on the go, and meals that are sustainable. So I stepped foot inside Sainsbury's to find some sugar-free delights. Here's a tip - THERE ARE NONE. I was wandering the aisles like a lost little match girl for an hour, clinging olives and salami close to my chest, gasping at how much sugar is in everything. The world is literally against people who are trying to cut out sugar. There was an aisle for products that had no gluten, no dairy, no wheat.....