Janice Cripps' video on how to prune your wisteria (made by yours truly)
My mum recently started up her own garden design business. She is very talented and has a fantastic portfolio and recommendations. However, even though she had a website made, she had no idea how to get it noticed by anyone outside of her friendship group. It was then that I could finally repay her for the years of bringing me up, feeding and clothing me... yes, I made her a Twitter. Not only did I set up an account, but I got her followers, targeted specific companies and people telling them about her website and replied to her followers messages and questions (when it comes to technology you simply cannot teach her to fish, you need to catch them for her). We then we decided to take it a step further. She wanted a blog and 'How To' videos.. clearly on the way to world domination now, so.... One YouTube channel later and here we have her first video on how to prune wisteria. Enjoyed doing this a lot, and considering it was a no budget video filmed on a photo camera on the ...