For the past month or so I have been filling out graduate scheme applications which means I have been fidgeting, tossing and turning, asking friends and family weird things, scribbling stuff, staring at the flashing cursor on a blank Word document for hours, drinking lots of tea on my many breaks, and generally hate myself at times but then sometimes I realise how great I can be. From the adgrads blog, I found a role for a marketing company in the midst of all the schemes and fellowships. They too had some tricky think-outside-of-the-box-but-keep-it-relevant questions. Here are several of my answers to the more creative questions: 1. You are the owner of a broken computer. Persuade us that we want it. (Max 100 words) I don’t know what to do with my broken computer but I cannot let it go. I bought it from a friend 2 years ago who worked at the News of the World. Unknown to him, it has the most unbelievable undisclosed information on th...