
Showing posts from November, 2011

Love for a Nokia ad

If you have read my blog, you should know by now that I'd love this kind of stuff

Ad Grad questions...kill me now

For the past month or so I have been filling out graduate scheme applications which means I have been fidgeting, tossing and turning, asking friends and family weird things, scribbling stuff, staring at the flashing cursor on a blank Word document for hours, drinking lots of tea on my many breaks, and generally hate myself at times but then sometimes I realise how great I can be. From the adgrads blog, I found a role for a marketing company in the midst of all the schemes and fellowships. They too had some tricky think-outside-of-the-box-but-keep-it-relevant questions. Here are several of my answers to the more creative questions:  1.      You are the owner of a broken computer. Persuade us that we want it. (Max 100 words) I don’t know what to do with my broken computer but I cannot let it go. I bought it from a friend 2 years ago who worked at the News of the World. Unknown to him, it has the most unbelievable undisclosed information on th...

Is this okay?

A kid eats Petit Filous and successfully sees off bullies with threatening behaviour of his own. Girl sees this, admires him and grasps at his 'muscley' arm with devotion. I'm not a feminist, nor am I so up-tight that I can't see the light humour taken from a serious subject like bullying, but I saw this and it gave me a bad feeling. Kids are so impressionable and if one saw this would he/she think it was acceptable to respond to bad behaviour with more bad behaviour? Would a little kid think something like this would work in real life? I understand the yoghurt provides calcium to make your child grow stronger but surely having the child pick up a lorry would have been more to the point, less of a bad influence, and just as realistic?